Wednesday 31 July 2013

Things I Don't Like About Japan

Hey homies,

As I said before, not everything about Japan is shiny and sugar coated, and there are a few things I dislike. Since I'm leaving in a few days (sob sob) I figured I'd start bracing myself for the forthcoming emotional breakdown by discussing some aspects of Japan I dislike.

You can't get a decent cup of black tea anywhere. It's like it doesn't exist. Oh sure, there's Earl Grey and Oolong and Jasmine and all those fancy kinds, but when you're homesick for a nice cuppa? Forget it. Nowhere to be found.

Shopkeepers' voices. It's especially annoying in cafes and restaurants, when you're trying to enjoy your food and every few minutes you hear the abnormally high pitched, nasal "IRRASHAIMASE" (welcome)

The fear of gaijin (foreigners). It's not racism as such, but in a country with a 95% indigenous population, Japanese people are a little freaked out by foreigners; meaning people actively avoid sitting next to me on the bus or handing me flyers and such. I guess it's nice when you want peace and quiet, but it does make you feel a bit lonely.

There are almost no food vending machines. In Ireland you can always find a machine to buy crisps or chocolate - in Japan, not so. There are drink, cigarette, ice-cream, even alcohol vending machines - but I am yet to find one selling food. Though apparently in Akihabara Station there is a banana machine.

The fact that all manners dissolve on a busy train. People will push and shove and never apologise if it means they'll get a seat. And for that matter, Japanese people prefer to sit with an empty space on either side, so it's ridiculously difficult for two or more people to get neighbouring seats on the train.

The fact that, although I say "mou ichidou itte kudasai" (please say it again) in perfect Japanese, many Japanese people take it to mean "SPEAK ENGLISH NOW" and they usually just give up at that point and get someone to translate. Like, I am asking you to repeat yourself because you're speaking absurdly fast, not because I can't speak your language.

The insects. are. HUGE.

The thing I dislike most about Japan is that all of these things really have added to my experience, and I'm gonna miss them. I don't want to go home.



  1. Japan will still be there when you're ready to go back honey. We can discuss over a "real" cuppa on Sunday

  2. Things I don't like about Ireland:
    You can't get a decent cup of Jasmine tea.
    Shopkeepers' voices "if you're not buying that, put it down/take it out of your gob"
    The fear of boggers
    There are no alcohol vending machines
    The fact that manners dissolve as soon as... em... people wake up in the morning
    The fact that when I say "stop talking now" that people keep talking
    The bellies are huge.
    And the worst thing is that you're still not back.

    1. Mama Foley in tears here. Such a sweet sentiment at the end there !!

    2. Alas my writing usually reduces people to tears.

    3. Will miss reading your comments。

  3. At last, my little girl is coming home! I will be waiting impatiently at the airport on Sunday, waving a giant packet of Tayto in the air!!! travel safely home sweetpea! luv ya x

  4. Cool blog Caoimhe! It was pretty fun to read :)

  5. Really fun and interesting to read this!

    Love these kind of posts :)
