Saturday 29 June 2013

My Day in Yokohama

Hey everyone!

Today I went to Yokohama City with my friends and it was so much fun! :D

We started the day with lunch here in Landmark Tower.
It`s huuuuge :O there are 69 floors, and from the very top you can see all the way to Tokyo. It`s full of shops and restaurants :D
I had a delicious katsu (breaded pork) curry with rice. おいしい! (delicious!)

after that, we went to the POKEMON CENTRE ~~~

I was literally like a child in a sweetshop. The music playing is the game`s Pokemon Centre music, and all of the staff wear Pikachu hats. Card games are always being played, it`s awesome :D I went a little crazy and bought this Pikachu teddy, Pikachu&Eevee slippers, a Yokohama Pikachu phone charm and a Pikachu watch. You may have guessed that I like Pikachu. I also love Absol but there were no Absol toys :(


Next, we did something I`ve wanted to do since I came to Japan- Purikura. Purikura (short for Print Club) is a popular hobby in Japan where you take your picture in a booth and decorate it, and then it`s printed into stickers. I loved it!

left to right: Christopher, Kosuke, Pratik, myself, Manami and Shotaro

Christopher and Pratik are the two American exchange students also attending my school at the moment :) Christopher has excellent Japanese but Pratik has none whatsoever. So it`s rather amusing :D

After that, we saw a live demonstration of samurai swords (katana) outside Landmark Tower, which was amazing! The two guys were running and jumping at each other with super sharp swords but never actually touching one another. While a display like this in Ireland might warrant passerbys` spare change, the people watching eagerly threw ¥1000 (about 8e) notes into their box afterward. They appeared to have made a small fortune :O

In the evening, we took a stroll around a different shopping centre and I tried taiyaki, a traditional Japanese pastry filled with anko (sweet bean paste). I don't like anko that much, but our taiyaki was smothered with ice cream so it was all good :D

So now I am sitting in my pjs, wearing my Pokemon slippers, munching on Pizza-flavoured Pringles and sipping Blue Skal, which is bubblegum flavoured. 日本大好き!(i love Japan!)

Bye all :)



  1. Woweee.. What a day.
    There was a Pokemon in Dublin Pride Parade yesterday. Not a hat. A full pokemon!
    Now don't be thinking you can make money with them swords. Stay away girl... they sound fecking dangerous... (smiley face!!)

      They were cooooooooooooooool :O

  2. クィーヴァちゃんのプリクラカワイイ! お友達できて良かったね。先生ウレシイ��

  3. あ! ちょっと待って!! クィーヴァちゃんがスカートはいてる!?
    ドレス着てる!!!!!!!! カワイイ(⌒▽⌒)

    1. はい、ドレスですよ!!へんなですね (^-^)
