Monday 24 June 2013

Culture Shock

Hey everyone!

I've arrived safe and sound in Japan. I LOVE THIS COUNTRY. It's amazing~

Okay so before I write anything, a few updates.
  • The internet here is wired, so for the moment, I can't upload pictures because I have to use the laptop (and my iPod cable is broken.) Unless I find a new cable or WiFi, I'll probably upload all the photos in bulk when I get back to Ireland.
  • The internet in my home is restricted, so I can`t use facebook to contact people. But, email and blog is fine.
  • I can use the internet for an hour or so in the evenings, and Japan is 9 hours ahead of Ireland, so if you need to contact me,best idea is to email around 12pm Irish time.

Japan has been a huge culture shock so far. Some things have absolutely amazed me so far...

  1. On elevators, if you are standing, you MUST stand on the left. If you are walking, you MUST stand on the right.
  2. There are 4 different types of toilet (I think) I`ll save them for a separate post.
  3. The shower and the bath are completely seperate, I`ll explain these in the toilet post.
  4. Everyone is soooo polite. It's so cool. That said, I stick out like a sore thumb with my blonde hair. So I get lots of stares!
  5. A lot of shop assistants, but not all, speak in a weirdly nasal, high pitched voice. I don't want to ask my host mam why, in case that's their real voice, but surely it`s not. Think Janice from Friends, but tenfold.
  6. Everyone calls me cute :D and everyone, EVERYONE, I have spoken to so far has told me "にほんごじょうず!!” (brilliant Japanese!) even if I've just asked where the bathroom is.
  7. The hardest thing by far to get used to is the slippers. There are very strict rules about wearing slippers. You must wear slippers inside the house, except in a room with a special bamboo floor called "tatami." Also, in the bathroom, you must take off your inside slippers and wear toilet slippers. And, in shops, you must take off your shoes before you go to the dressing room.

Okay, I'm gonna go take a shower now, then go to bed- school tomorrow!!

If mam, dad or Daire are reading this, please send me Mam's work number by email please, and I will call tomorrow.

Sayounara minnasan! (bye everyone!)



  1. Wow. Keep em coming.
    I love the idea of 'toilet slippers'...
    Dying to see your toilet post too...

    1. I think it's because the toilet floor is germier than the rest of the house :P

  2. Is the restriction on Facebook because of The Ring? Is that also the reason why there's four toilets? Spooky.
